Student Derya Malak Presents Graduation Day Talk at ITA 2017

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March 28, 2017

WNCG Student Derya Malak recently gave a Graduation Day talk at the 2017 Information Theory and Applications (ITA) workshop in San Diego, CA.

The workshop brings together researchers from around the world and focuses on applying theory to diverse areas within science and engineering.

Graduation Day features outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral researchers seeking academic positions and provides them with an opportunity to present their work to a broad audience of researchers and faculty. They are the only ITA talks presented by students, and several past Graduation Day presenters have subsequently joined academic institutions.

Malak presented her work, completed jointly with Mazin Al-Shalash from Huawei Technologies and WNCG Prof. Jeffrey Andrews, entitled “Modeling and Analyzing Device-to-Device Content Distribution in Cellular Networks.”

Her research studied the optimal geographic placement for device-to-device (D2D) networks, proposed new, spatially-correlated caching strategies and contrasted them with the baseline geographically independent placement used in most previous research.

Malak received her BS in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a minor in Physics at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. She received a MS in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koc University in Istanbul, where she served as Research Assistant at the Next-Generation Wireless Communication Laboratory. Her research interests include communication theory and networks, information theory, and more specifically, D2D communications and stochastic modeling of content caching.

She is now a PhD candidate at UT Austin’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and WNCG, where she is advised by Prof. Jeffrey Andrews.  

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